Kris Erps Stewart

Kristine Erps Stewart was the interim director and associate director for administration at Arizona Telemedicine Program (ATP) and administrator director for Southwest Telehealth Resource Center (SWTRC) until June, 2023 when she retired.  She provided administrative oversight for both the ATP and SWTRC. Ms. Erps represented the program at regional and national meetings and was responsible for creation and content of public relations materials.  Kris assisted with reporting requirements and coordinating activities for the ATP and the numerous partnering organizations of the SWTRC. She managed and was the editor of both the ATP and SWTRC Blogs.  Kris served on the advisory board for the National Frontier & Rural Addiction Technology Transfer Center, on the executive committee of the American Telemedicine Association's (ATA) Business & Finance Special Interest Group, past chair for the ATA’s Interstate Telehealth Special Interest Group and was the communication and member chair of the Arizona Rural Health Association.  She had been with the ATP since 2000 and SWTRC since 2009.