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The submitted value All in the Items per page element is not allowed.Service Provider Directory

Welcome to the Telemedicine & Telehealth Service Provider Directory (SPD), a service of the Arizona Telemedicine Program. The directory is a free resource for hospital or healthcare administrators and other decision-makers who want to expand or improve their healthcare services to their patients, employees, clients, etc. through teleservices. The directory lists companies providing clinical telehealth services by a healthcare professional who provides medical services (such as radiology, rheumatology, neurology, psychiatry) and ancillary services (such as patient education and language interpretation) through telemedicine to healthcare providers such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, private practices, urgent care centers, and/or to consumers directly.
Service Providers: Follow this link to apply to list your company in the SPD.
There is no fee to apply for listing, or to list, a company in the SPD.
If you have any questions, contact us about the Service Provider Directory using our Contact Us page.
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