Vituity is one of the leading providers of acute care management and staffing solutions in the nation. Founded in 1975, we now serve more than 6.3 million patients annually with over 250 practices throughout the United States. We are an integrated team of emergency medicine, hospital medicine, psychiatry, neurology, anesthesia, surgicalist, urgent care, and post-acute care physicians committed to caring for patients. The Vituity team includes on-site clinical providers, as well as dedicated practice management and billing services. As providers, we deliver timely, high quality, and compassionate care. As an organization, we have already delivered more than 500,000 telemedicine encounters and have developed innovations and best practices that ensure optimal throughput and productivity, resulting in more efficient, cost-effective, and coordinated care. It is our privilege to serve patients and their families, whether we meet them in the emergency department, as an inpatient, at an urgent care center or a post-acute facility.