Company Name: Allina Health
2925 Chicago Ave
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407
Contact Information:
Barb Andreasen
Director, Telehealth & Regional Development
Year Incorporated or Founded:
State Incorporated or Founded:
Healthcare Model:
Integrated healthcare system (MCO)
Corporate Structure:
Public not-for-profit
Description of Services:
Allina Health is a not-for-profit network of hospitals, clinics and other health care services. Allina Health has been providing telehealth services since 2011. We are currently providing services at 30 locations in MN, WI, and SD. Services provided include telestroke, mental health assessment & referral, cancer genetic counseling, general cardiology, electrophysiology, advanced heart failure, vascular, psychiatry, palliative, perinatal, and rehab.
Cardiology, Genetic counseling, Geriatrics, Behavioral/mental health, Obstetrics, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Sleep medicine, Stroke
Currently providing services in:
Minnesota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Healthcare professionals have licenses in:
Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Teleproviders are physically located in:
Arkansas, Minnesota
Entities company currently partners or is willing to partner with:
Accountable Care Organizations, Employers, Rural hospitals, Urban/suburban Hospitals, Patients/consumers directly, Senior communities, Skilled nursing facilities, Urgent care centers
How many patients / direct consumers is your company serving:
Number part-time MD/DO telehealth professionals:
Number part-time NP telehealth professionals:
Number part-time LMSW/MSW telehealth professionals:
Number part-time other:
Other telehealth professionals:
Genetic counselors
After licensing and credentialing, average time to initiate services to new partner/customer:
1-3 months
Telemedicine systems used to connect to customers:
Currently use InTouch and OmniJoin but are transitioning both to Vidyo
Electronic health records (EHR) incorporated in services:
How EHR interfaces with the EHR of the referring/consulting site:
The scheduling, documentation, and billing is completed in the EHR but the video/audio visit is conducted via a separate application.
Company uses an electronic health record system that is certified by ONC:
Edition ONC HIT Certification Program company's EHR is certified for:
2014 edition
Wait time for consultation for emergency services:
Information not available
Wait time for consultation for nonemergent services:
1-2 weeks
Provides Billing Services - Other:
Depending on the service, we either bill the professional fee or charge the facility a per consultation or subscription fee. We are evaluating retail visits which would be upfront credit card payments.
Payers billed:
Medicare, Medicaid, Private payers (e.g., Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare, Aetna)
Company Payment Model:
Fee for service
Complies with HIPAA and HITECH:
Joined the Directory:
Information Last Updated: