Health Care Remotely is tailored to support employees of companies with at least one chronic medical condition that requires long-term monitoring (e.g., congestive heart failure, COPD, diabetes, hypertension). After a diagnosis is made by a face-to-face encounter elsewhere, Health Care Remotely can help individuals track their risk factors, adjust medications and order relevant monitoring tests. The practice will also help employees manage minor conditions like upper respiratory infections and urinary tract infections. Patients are encouraged to continue to use face-to-face services for symptoms may require a more intensive evaluation to make a definitive diagnosis.
Health Care Remotely is intended for self-insured employers who offer their employees high-deductible health plans and/or catastrophic coverage. As an employer, Health Care Remotely can address chronic disease management and primary care (including medication adjustment, laboratory testing and specialist referrals) for eligible employees at a lower price point and higher value than most other health care offerings. The practice also uses health care cost transparency sites to help identify low-cost providers for diagnostic imaging and elective procedures. Health Care Remotely believes direct contracting with employers can lower the barriers for employees to get the primary care they need.