Meeting Presentations

  1. Latifi R. Telepresence and Teleresuscitation in Trauma Care: Transforming Golden Hour into Golden Minutes. Fall Trauma Conference. Billings, Montana. November 10, 2005.

  2. Latifi R. Telesurgery and Teleresuscitation. Arizona Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Phoenix, Arizona. November 3-5, 2005.

  3. Latifi R. Teletrauma and Teleresuscitation in Rural America: Southern Arizona Experience. The International Trade Event and Conference for e-Health, Telemedicine and Health ICT, Luxembourg. April 6-8, 2005.

  4. Latifi R. Teletrauma and Teleresuscitation in Southern Arizona presented to Joint Legislative Budget Committee. Phoenix, Arizona. May 4, 2005.

  5. Latifi R. Teletrauma and Teleresuscitation in Trauma Care. Pediatric Trauma Conference, Cook Children’s Medical Center. Fort Worth, Texas. June 9-10, 2005.

  6. Latifi R. Teletrauma and Teleresuscitation: Changing the Paradigm of Trauma Care. XVII PanAmerican Trauma Congress. Guayaquil, Ecuador. November 16-18, 2005.

  7. Latifi R. Transforming Current Medical Care to Higher Standards using Distruptive Technologies and Telemedicine as a Platform. UN-OOSA/UN-ESCAP Workshop on Tele-Health Development in Asia and the Pacific Region. Co-sponsored by the China National Space Administration; China Ministry of Health and Asia Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications. Guangzhou, China. December 5-9, 2005.

  8. Latifi R. Grand Rounds, Apollo Hospital Grand Rounds, "Trauma in the 21st Century: Challenges in the next decade" (televised to 4 sites in India) March 16, 2005.

  9. Latifi R. Virtual Reduction of Brain Drain in Developing Countries Using Telemedicine as Platform: What Does it Take? XVII PanAmerica Trauma Congress, VII Ecuadorian Trauma Congress. Guayaquil, Ecuador. November 16-18, 2005.

  10. Lopez AM. Arizona Telemedicine Program Overview, National Hispanic Medical Association Ninth Annual Conference, Workshop Session D, Practice Issues: Improving Communications and Health Literacy, Los Angeles, CA, March 31 – April 3, 2005.

  11. Lopez AM. Telemedicine 101: Training Medical Students and Doctors in Rural Arizona, AAMC 2005 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 2005

  12. McNeely R, Major J, Zazworsky D, Weinstein RS. "Communications Components of a Statewide Diabetes Virtual Center of Excellence". 46th International Conference on Health & Science Communications. Seattle, WA. June 4, 2005

  13. McNeely R, Hall JR, Collins RA, Schaufelberger E. "Managing a Streaming Video Server as a Multifaceted Resource for an Academic Medical Center". 46th International Conference on Health & Science Communications. Seattle, WA. June 3, 2005.

  14. Weinstein RS. “Globalization of Lab Medicine, Four Corners, Latin America & Beyond:” Keynote Lab Week speaker, University Medical Center, Tucson, AZ. April 28, 2005.

  15. Weinstein RS. “Historical Overview of Telepathology”, 4th Asian Pacific IAP Congress, Beijing, China. August 22-25, 2005.

  16. Weinstein RS. Invitation to Present UltraClinics and THealth at the White House Treaty room, Washington, DC. February 3, 2005.

  17. Weinstein RS. “Latest ATP Activities, 4 Corner Consortium & eHealth U” IHS Southwest Telehealth Consortium, Tucson, AZ. February 9, 2005.

  18. Weinstein RS. “The Arizona Rural Telemedicine Experience” Hospital Leadership and Systems Improvement (HLSI), St. Louis, MO. July 21-22, 2005.

  19. Weinstein RS. “THealth – new concept in teaching medical students” AZ State of Representatives, Phoenix, AZ. September 15, 2005.

  20. Weinstein RS. “Update on Telepathology and Telemedicine” “University of Shanghi, Shanghi, China. August 26-27, 2005

  1. McNeely RA, A Hughes, RS Weinstein. “Arizona’s Telemedicine Network: Lessons Learned in Implementation”, Alaska International Telehealth Conference, Anchorage. March, 2004.

  2. Barker GP. Office for the Advancement for Telehealth Grantees Meeting, “Overview of the Arizona Telemedicine Program’s Membership Model.” Bethesda, Maryland. January 2004.

  3. Barker GP. American Telemedicine Association National Meeting. “Overview of the Arizona Telemedicine Program’s Membership Model.” Tampa, Florida. May 2004.

  4. Hughes A. The Arizona Telemedicine Program: Lessons Learned. Presentation at the International Telehealth Conference Anchorage, Alaska. March 2004.

  5. Krupinski EA. Telemedicine consultations: failed cases and floundering specialties. Successes & failures in Telehealth, 22-23 July, 2004. Brisbane, Australia.

  6. Latifi R. "E-health education: Challenges and the future in the changing world". The European Space Agency Symposium on Satellite Application in Telemedicine, Frascati, Italy, July 4, 2004.

  7. Latifi R. End point Resuscitation: Through the Window of ATP. The International Surgical Grand Rounds. From the University Clinical Center of Kosova, Telemedicine Center of Kosova. June 3, 2004.

  8. Latifi R. International Telehealth-Challenges & Reality Checks. Four Corners Telemedicine & Telehealth Planning Conference. Tucson, Arizona. August 23-24, 2004.

  9. Latifi R. (Keynote Speaker) Telepresence and Telemedicine in Trauma and Emergency Management: Lessons from Space and Changing the Paradigm. 9th Annual Spirit of Marshfield Conference, Trauma Care: A Team Approach. Marshfield, Wisconsin. August 13, 2004.

  10. Lopez AM. Health and Human Services Site Visit, University of Arizona National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health, Addressing Women’s Health Via Telemedicine, Tucson, AZ, March 2, 2004.

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