Company Name: Rehab Smarter Inc
Address: 4541 Timbery Drive
Jefferson, Maryland 21755
Year Incorporated or Founded: 2016
State Incorporated or Founded: Maryland
Healthcare Model: Medical specialty service aggregator, Medical specialty service provider to healthcare providers, Medical specialty service provider to non-healthcare systems, Patient education/engagement service
Corporate Structure: Private for-profit
Description of Services: Rehab Smarter provides individualized online, live rehabilitation, prevention, and wellness for all age groups. We offer physical, occupational, and speech rehabilitation, skilled nursing, registered dieticians, certified dementia specialists, certified diabetes education, pulmonary rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation, and more. Our highly experienced, licensed clinicians are passionate about providing comprehensive, exemplary care. By our ability to collaborate with other experienced clinicians, it allows us to do what we do best--helping you.
Teleservices: Chronic disease management, Dementia, Diabetology, Geriatrics, Homecare, Integrated care, Nutrition, Occupational therapy, Pain management, Pediatrics, Physical therapy, Preventive care, Rehabilitation, Speech language pathology, Stroke, Weight control, Wound care
Teleservices - Other: pulmonary rehabilitation and cardiac rehabilitation, prevention and wellness, health coaching
Ancillary Services: Patient education, Patient engagement
Currently providing services in: Florida, Maine, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia
Planning to expand to in near future: California, Nevada, Washington
Healthcare professionals have licenses in: California, Florida, Maryland, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, West Virginia
Teleproviders are physically located in: California, Maryland, New York, North Carolina
Entities company currently partners or is willing to partner with: Assisted living facilities; Employers; Government agencies; Rural hospitals; Urban/suburban Hospitals; Military bases; Patients/consumers directly; Private physician practices; Schools; Senior communities
How many patients / direct consumers is your company serving: 6-19
Number part-time RN telehealth professionals: 1-5
Number part-time other: 6-10
Other telehealth professionals: physical, occupational, speech therapists, dietitians, dementia and diabetes specialists
After licensing and credentialing, average time to initiate services to new partner/customer: Less than 1 month
Telemedicine systems used to connect to customers: SImple Practice
Electronic health records (EHR) incorporated in services: Yes
How EHR interfaces with the EHR of the referring/consulting site: Fax or phone consults and other patient sensitive information
Company uses an electronic health record system that is certified by ONC: Information not available
Other EHR: it is HIPAA compliant and has a BAA certificate
Wait time for consultation for emergency services: Not applicable
Nonemergent Services wait time other: depending on service, it can be anywhere from same day to less than a week
Number teleconsults performed 2018: 5
Provides Billing Services:
Provides Billing Services - Other: we are fee for service but will provide clients with a superbill
Describe how your teleproviders are recruited and selected: resumes are interviewed and if deemed appropriate for our business model. after background and references check, are offered a contractual position as a consultant
Company Payment Model: Fee for service
Complies with HIPAA and HITECH: Yes
Minimum monthly consultation requirement: no minimum
Joined the Directory: 09/18/2019
Information Last Updated: 03/27/2020