
Service Provider Directory Logo with ATP, AZ DHS, SWTRC Logos

Company Name: ChoicePoint
23-00 Rt. 208 Suite 2-9, Fair Lawn, New Jersey
Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410
Contact Information:
Chaye McIntosh
Clinical Director
Year Incorporated or Founded:
State Incorporated or Founded:
New Jersey
Healthcare Model:
Medical specialty service provider to healthcare providers
Corporate Structure:
Public not-for-profit
Description of Services:

ChoicePoint is a rehabilitation center that serves patients across Fair Lawn and its surroundings. It offers a variety of treatment programs for those suffering from substance use disorders. It provides alcohol and drug rehab solutions, including ambulatory detox, intensive and outpatient treatment, medication-assisted treatment, and targeted therapy. It also offers dual diagnoses for co-occurring disorders. In addition, it conducts individual and group telehealth therapy sessions and medical counseling. Treatment programs for LGBT members, expecting mothers, students, and veterans are also offered.

Addiction, Internal medicine, Behavioral/mental health, Primary care, Psychiatry, Psychology, Rehabilitation
Ancillary Services:
Health call center, Patient education, Patient engagement, Support groups
Currently providing services in:
New Jersey
Healthcare professionals have licenses in:
New Jersey
Teleproviders are physically located in:
New Jersey
Entities company currently partners or is willing to partner with:
Assisted living facilities; Community mental health clinics; Rural hospitals; Urban/suburban Hospitals; Insurers; Military bases; Nursing homes; Patients/consumers directly; Senior communities; Skilled nursing facilities; Urgent care centers
How many patients / direct consumers is your company serving:
Number full-time MD/DO telehealth professionals:
Number full-time NP telehealth professionals:
Number full-time PA telehealth professionals:
Number full-time LMSW/MSW telehealth professionals:
Number full-time PhD telehealth professionals:
Number full-time RN telehealth professionals:
Number full-time PharmD telehealth professionals:
After licensing and credentialing, average time to initiate services to new partner/customer:
Less than 1 month
Telemedicine systems used to connect to customers:
Electronic health records (EHR) incorporated in services:
Information not available
Wait time for consultation for emergency services:
5-10 minutes
Wait time for consultation for nonemergent services:
Within 24 hours
Provides Billing Services:
Yes, we assist the clinical sites with billing
Payers billed:
Medicare, Medicaid, Private payers (e.g., Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare, Aetna)
Company Payment Model:
Fee for service
Complies with HIPAA and HITECH:
Minimum monthly consultation requirement:
no minimum
Additional company information:

Long term and reliable partnerships.

Joined the Directory: 05/26/2022
Information Last Updated: 06/28/2022

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